What is Included in a Home Buyers Report?

What is Included in a Home Buyers Report?

A home report is something you will need to address if you are selling property in Scotland. A buyer will be able to request further information about a property at any point during the process, which means you will need to oblige them with survey results, and a portfolio of evidence which will let them know what to expect once they have moved in.

But what exactly is included in a home buyers report?

What a Home Report Contains

A full home report will generally contain three main surveys, which fit together to present evidence to buyers and sellers alike. These surveys will include a single survey, which is a full property inspection, an energy performance certificate and a property questionnaire. All three work together to offer buyers confidence. If a property is going to sell, it is worth making sure everything is laid out on the table.

What Each Survey Does: Home Report

The single survey in a home buyer’s report will be the responsibility of a chartered surveyor. They will make an appointment to attend a property and undertake a thorough inspection. They will look to report on the condition of all elements of your property and form and opinion of market value. In a Home Report from Home Report Scotland, there will be a ‘generic’ mortgage valuation report which is trusted and relied upon by mortgage lenders.

An energy certificate will analyse how efficient a property is. Buyers will want to know if they need to make improvements to the energy efficiency. That’s where this part of a home buyers survey comes in.

The property questionnaire asks further questions, many of which can be addressed by the seller. This means you may be in a position to help fill such forms out yourself. You will be asked questions about the utilities, parking, accessibility, council tax and more.

Why Get a Home Report

Home reports are extremely important. Not only are they a legal requirement before you sell, they help to value a property. What’s more, a report is a great way to spot details and issues which need fixing that you may have already missed.

If you need a home survey completing at short notice, Home Report Scotland is here to help. Simply call our team direct on 0141 227 6198 or book a free quote online for an instant tariff.

Give your buyers some confidence!