If you’re in the process of selling your home, you may well have already thought about ordering a home report. Home reports are a useful, legally-required and comprehensive way to offer your potential buyers everything they need to know when it comes to your property.

A home report in Glasgow and elsewhere will contain information with regard to property value, energy efficiency, condition and construction. All things considered, it answers plenty of common home buyer questions.

Are All Home Reports the Same?

No. It can be easy to assume that reports are the same as they follow the same guidance and structure, but home reports can be very different. This is because there are many different firms and experts offering the service.

While the highest professional standards are guaranteed, most home report service providers will differ in terms of competitive pricing and in terms of the customer experience offered along the way.

What Do I Need to Look for in a Home Report?

Home Report Scotland will supply property sellers with all the legal information and data requested by buyers. It’s important to us that we provide you with a detailed professional report that’s easy to understand, objective and which answers all the questions you and any buyer may have about your home honestly. You will need a report that’s based on expertise and trustworthy insight, from RICS qualified Surveyors with years of experience. That’s why Home Report Scotland is the right solution for you. Crucially, all of our reports contain a Generic Mortgage Valuation which will be accepted by most main mortgage lenders.

What Makes My Report Unique?

You should also remember that your home report may differ compared to other people’s. This is because each property and its circumstances are always going to be different. The size of your home, its layout, construction and age, its value and its amenity will all impact on the information included in your report. But we’ll always be objective and honest. The price of the report will be competitive and be linked to your individual property.

Is There a Difference in Pricing?

One thing many sellers will compare when looking for home reports is the price. Here at Home Report Scotland, we make sure to base our fair fees on independent market research. We’re also proud to support you with a reliable quote up front. What you see will always be what you get – with no hidden costs or taxes.

I Need Help Understanding My Home Report!

Help is at hand to make to make the home report process as transparant as possible. The team at Home Report Scotland are here to create a comprehensive report that your buyers will understand and appreciate. It’s our aim to help you sell your home – and to help your buyers make the right decision for them, too.

If you’d like advice on what to expect from a home report for Glasgow property or anywhere across Scotland, call our team today on 0141 227 6198, or use our fantastic 24/7 free quote tool on the home page. Alternatively, you can always email us directly at info@homereportscotland.scot.

Home Reports

All homes for sale in Scotland require a Home Report. Certain properties are exempt from this; for example, all new build properties. Generally however, anyone selling their home needs to provide a Home Report to prospective buyers.

Single Survey

Detailed information on the condition and value of the property. Includes an audit of accessible features useful for older and disabled people, and parents with young children. The Single Survey can only be compiled by a RICS qualified Surveyor.

Energy Report

Energy efficiency rating and environmental impact of the home in terms of carbon emissions. Recommends ways to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions of the property. Helps buyers to compare energy costs between homes. The Energy Report within a Home Report can only be compiled by an accredited Domestic Energy Assessor.

HARVEY DONALDSON & GIBSON CHARTERED SURVEYORS Suite 3/7, Standard Buildings, 94 Hope Street, Glasgow, G2 6PH

T: 0141 227 6198
E: info@homereportscotland.scot